The Best Videos for Traders

The best trading related videos:
  1. Improving Trader Performance
  2. Al Brooks - Best Price Action
  3. Al Brooks - Trading Channels
  4. Position Sizing Strategies. Control Your Risk When Trading
  5. Trading Mistakes
  6. Trading Coach Shares Views on Three Common Problems for Traders
The best process improvement videos:
  1. How to Live Before You Die
  2. The Key to Success? Grit.
  3. The surprising science of willpower
  4. How smart can we get? (Journaling emotions around 41:00)
  5. On Being Wrong
  6. How to Make Stress Your Friend
  7. Forget big change, start with a tiny habit
  8. The Psychology of Human Misjudgment
  9. How Great Leaders Inspire Action
  10. Why Leaders Eat Last
  11. Five Tips for Graduates
  12. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
  13. THUNK - 41. How Emotions Make You *More* Rational
  14. Hans Rosling and Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world
The best scientific explanations of human/trading behavior videos:
  1. The Human Brain Documentary
  2. Limbic System
  3. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Physiologic Markers of Emotion
  4. Endocrine Gland Hormone Review


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